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Saved by tmccarthy
on May 9, 2011 at 6:28:25 am


Lexicon atriale latino-latinum, J. A. Comenius (1657)

(at Google Books

Please read the Guidelines for Transcribing for information about how to proceed - WHEN YOU BEGIN SOMETHING, put your name (or "xxx" if you wish to remain anonymous) in the box below. That will show the pages on which work has begun! For more details, see these Step-by-Step Instructions (with screenshots). Also, I hope you will join the Comenius Ning Group to share ideas about our work together. Finally, if you find something especially delightful, please add it to this page: Florilegium, sive Anthologia Deliciarum.


Quaeso ut legas Commonitorium de Transcriptione, quod explicat in quo modo operam sumas - QUANDO PENSUM ALIQUOD SUMIS, infra in cellula nomen inscribe (vel "xxx" si anonymus esse mavis). Hoc modo videre possumus omnes paginas iam inceptas. Si auxilium quaeris, est quoque haec Praescriptio Enarrativa (cum imaginibus).  Ceterum, te invito ad Ning-gregem "Comenius" ut inter nos consilia communicemus de hac opera collectiva! In fine, si quid maxime delectabile invenias, in hac pagina adnotetur: Florilegium, sive Anthologia Deliciarum. :-)


Lexicon Januale:

Reinhard Gruhl has transcribed this text, which appeared online IX-I-MMIX, so luckily Evan did not do too much duplicated effort. Reinhard Gruhl 's text has now been pasted into the Lexicon Januale here, which is now complete, but it needs to be reformatted to make it searchable, as the original text uses hyphens everywhere.


Lexicon Atriale - Paginae Initiales:

You can find the Paginae Initiales in their own folder.The list of author abbreviations begins on p. vii.


Litera A - Litera B- Litera C - Litera D - Litera E -  Litera F:

 Transcriptae sunt. There is still some formatting and lots of proofreading to do; see the A Table for details.


Under construction: 

Litera G - Litera H - Litera I

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